All You Need To Launch Successful Dooh Campaigns

All You Need To Launch Successful Dooh Campaigns
To raise brand awareness, or generate sales opportunities, you may have already set up online advertising campaigns, through SEA, display or in-app devices. But have you thought about reaching your target-audience when it is offline? This is exactly what DOOH promises: this acronym means Digital Out Of Home, and refers to an ensemble of urban digital display and indoor digital display in public spaces techniques. Find out in this blog post why DOOH is such an impactful and innovative advertising format for your brand, and the best practices to launch your next successful ad campaign.

Why should you launch DOOH campaigns?

Whether you're just getting started in digital communication, or you've already taken a step in programmatic advertising, you should consider launching your own DOOH advertising campaign. Why so?

First of all, because this format, which is very focused on visual creation, allows you to increase your audience’s brand recall. In fact, according to The Drum, OOH is proving to be a perfect outlet to share messages since its unaided recall rates are at 40% and DOOH at 47%, clearly surpassing mobile at 35% and TV at 22%.

That's part of what makes this ad format work so well to generate additional revenue for brands. According to a Digital Signage Today US study, 80% of brands saw an increase in sales of about 33% thanks to DOOH. 

Moreover, DOOH digital display is highly complementary to your existing online devices. Whether you have implemented branding-oriented activations or drive-to-store campaigns, DOOH follows your prospects throughout their omnichannel journey, making your brand even more visible, especially on mobile. 

Finally, launching your own DOOH campaigns also means reacting to your competition, that’s undoubtedly thinking of launching their own! Indeed… 

  • Despite the ongoing pandemic, DOOH spend in 2021 is expected to rise by 19.2% in 2021. The portion of DOOH ad sales that is transacted programmatically is also growing rapidly, from 6.7% last year to 10.8% this year and 14.8% in 2022 
  • For 2023, a 10% increase in DOOH ad spend is predicted worldwide
  • The global DOOH advertising market will reach $21.35 billion by 2030, growing by 13.0% annually over 2020-2030 owing to the increasing adoption of digital OOH ads in commercial verticals, rapid digitization and urbanization in emerging countries, proliferation of smart cities, and growing technological advancements.

Enough to make you want to launch an advertising campaign on digital screens, right?

Who are the key players of the DOOH market?

To guide you through your digital advertising out of home strategy, there are numerous players you can tap into. Between DSP, data providers, SSP and publishers, you need to make the right choice.

To choose the right dynamic display solution, you need to think about the type of advertising space you want to invest in.

Do you prefer targeting your audience… 

  • In shopping centers or hypermarkets?
  • Near local shops, such as newsstands, supermarkets, gyms, bars or restaurants (in their toilets), bakeries... ?
  • Outdoors, on the road, in shop windows, near a drive-through, gas stations, bus or public transport stations... ?
  • In train stations, subway stations or airports?

Ultimately, the question you need to ask yourself is: what types of screens your potential customers are likely to encounter more frequently in the public space, in their day-to-day routine?

How can you target your campaigns?

You know it all too well: a programmatic campaign, whatever it is, needs to target the right audience to aim at optimal results.

In terms of DOOH campaigns, there are several targeting strategies you can tap into:

  • Geo-targeting, for instance in shopping malls or near points of interest, such as educational facilities, stores, government offices or transportation
  • Location-based targeting, based on the types of screens or environments in which they are located
  • Targeting by audience, based on socio-demographic data, marketing profiles or purchasing habits of the demographics exposed to the screens

What are the best practices for truly effective DOOH campaigns?

A DOOH interactive advertising campaign sure is a great way for your brand to communicate. But for this digital marketing technique to be really effective, you need to apply some best practices. 

Make sure you… 

  • Define the right goals for your campaign. Do you want to attract traffic to your stores, in a drive-to-store logic? Work on your brand image? On your brand awareness or notoriety? Depending on the goals you define, you’ll have different kinds of advertising devices to set up, as well as different tools to measure their performance.
  • Choose the right targeting method, depending on your target-audiences. Select those that are the most relevant to your potential buyers: it’s one of the keys to launch Digital Out Of Home advertising campaigns that have the best ROI. 
  • Contextualize your advertising messaging as it should be. The design of your displays, as well as the messages that they bring forward, must take into account the location of the screens, but also the current events (for instance, the weather). Thanks to DCO (that stands for Dynamic Creative Optimization), you can adapt your visual creations in real time, for optimal relevance. 
  • Create eye-catching media advertising formats, and show a clear and dynamic message. Your targets being in the public space, you compete with so many other ads: make sure you stand out from the crowd!
  • Measure your campaign performance, to optimize them on a day-to-day basis. This is the last point you’ll discover right now.

How can you measure your DOOH campaign performance?

Your brand new DOOH campaign is launched? Congratulations! Now it's time to take a closer look at its performance, by monitoring it closely. The goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of your DOOH communication strategy, so that you can deliver data-driven messages that are increasingly relevant, impactful and cost-effective. 

Here are the key performance metrics you can analyze throughout your DOOH campaigns:

  • CPM Play, which is the cost for a thousand video plays, i.e. the number of times the video was played on the screen, regardless of the number of people actually present or not in front of it
  • CPM prints, which is the cost for a thousand prints (i.e. the reach of your campaign), so a cost for a thousand potential contacts with your brand

If you have launched your campaign to bring traffic to your store, you can of course measure this drive-to-store strategy’s performance too. 

To find out how to measure the increment of in-store visits and then measure the revenue generated via DOOH, be sure to check out the last part of our guide on drive-to-store campaigns

Finally, you can also measure the effectiveness of your device on your awareness, your brand image, the adherence of your audiences to the brand, or their purchase intention

To do so, all you need to do is add a QR Code to your advertisements: this will help measure how your audience engages to your ad campaigns. 

You can also launch a post-test study, by launching a digital ad to targets that passed by your screen location. In this ad, you can run a survey, asking them if they remember the ad, or the brand that ran the ad.

Fine targeting, smart advertising media creation, great choice of screens, precise performance measurement: you're ready to launch DOOH campaigns that will allow you to reach your marketing objectives! 

Need some guidance on DOOH? Contact our Biggie experts now: let's talk about how we can help you develop your brand every day through programmatic.

Psst..connaissez-vous les 6 tendances marketing de 2024 ?

En ce début d'année, tous les experts des agences du groupe Biggie se  sont rassemblés pour vous donner 6 insights marketing incontournables  en 2024.Dans ce book, on parle :

  • Omnicanalité Maîtrisée : Fusionnez les canaux pour créer une expérience client complète.
  • Mesure d'Attention : Évaluez l'impact réel de vos campagnes dans un univers publicitaire en évolution.
  • Ciblage intergénérationnel : Cassez les cloisons grâce aux ciblages comportementaux.
  • 🎁 et bien plus encore à découvrir !